He Mauri Wānanga – a unique, immersive learning experience

Held at Ōrākei Marae and led by Precious Clark, creator of Te Kaa – a Māori cultural competency agency – this day-long deep dive helped over sixty members of the GIFT grantee network explore the concept of Mauri and the Māori worldview, te āo Māori, in a safe and highly experiential way.

Starting with a Pōwhiri to welcome all visitors (manuhiri), the day then explored the Māori creation story to articulate the Māori systems approach to the environment, followed by a session to understand key values of kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga, whanaungatanga and tino rangatiratanga (sacred guardianship, caring behaviour, working together and Māori leadership).

A highlight of the day for everyone were the contributions by a panel of distinguished Māori leaders; Foundation North’s Kaumātua Kevin Prime (Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Whātua, Tainui, Welsh), Whaea Moe Milne (Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi) and Matua Rereata Mākiha (Ngāti Whakaheke, Te Aupōuri, Te Arawa).

GIFT Project Manager Kim Collins said, “We have had amazing feedback from staff, trustees, grantees and our stakeholders.  This wānanga has been a great prototype, and people have told me that the experience and learnings have profoundly changed the way that they will approach their work from now on.”

Our heartfelt appreciation goes to everyone at Ōrākei Marae and to our facilitators:

·        Precious Clark (Ngāti Whātua, Te Uri o Hau, Ngāti He and Pākeha)

·        Graham (Grayza) Tipene (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Manu, Ngāti Kuha and Ngāti Haua)

·        Kataraina Davis (Ngāti Whātua)

·        Kelly Kahukiwa (Ngāti Io, Ngāti Whakue, Ngai Tūhoe and Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki)
