Environmental restoration, conservation and sustainability in the Auckland and Northland region is to get extra support as a result of an agreement between Auckland University and Foundation North.
Is a high-value, low-impact Hauraki Gulf fishery feasible?
We talk to Dr Nigel Bradly of Envirostrat on the potential for a high-value, low-impact Hauraki Gulf fishery. Nigel is leading a team doing a feasibility study on the subject. The study is funded by a grant from The Gulf Innovation Fund Together; G.I.F.T - a $5 million Foundation North fund to ignite innovation to improve the mauri of the Hauraki Gulf.
Could a high-value, low-impact fishery help restore the mauri of the Hauraki Gulf?
Richelle Kahui-McConnell is part of a team from Envirostrat undertaking a feasibility study, funded by the Foundation North GIFT programme, on the potential for a high value, low impact fishery in the Hauraki Gulf fishery.
In part one of a three part interview series with the Envirostrat team, Richelle explains the need for this work in the Hauraki Gulf.
First steps towards more sustainable fisheries for the Hauraki Gulf
The potential for achieving a high-value, low-impact Hauraki Gulf fishery through impact investment is the subject of a feasibility study being funded by Foundation North
Collaboration established to improve the wellbeing of the Hauraki Gulf
Looking forward to working with Auckland Council and DOC to increase impact
Dr Dan Hikuroa: Mauri - what is it anyway?
Dan Hikuroa's presentation slides from the GIFT Workshop on 20 October are available below
Stuff: Gulf gets $5 million environment funding boost
Stuff: Gulf gets $5 million environment funding boost. Read more
NZ Herald: New $5m fund to help clean up gulf
NZ Herald: New $5m fund to help clean up gulf. Read more
Foundation North creates $5 million Hauraki Gulf fund
Foundation North creates $5 million Hauraki Gulf fund. Read more